Friday, August 22, 2008


Okay Crystal...this one is for you!
Finally !! I recently went to a very large convention in Dallas, attended mostly by women. I was very pleased that the convention location was willing to cater to our needs ...of MUCH more available restroom space. Two of every three men's rooms were converted to women's rooms temporarily. And not only did they give us the much needed extra space, they were thoughtful enough to make it PRETTY!

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Boys and their Girls

These are pictures of Jacob on his mule Popcorn and Jeremy with his mule Annabell. Our mules are like members of our family, they act more like the family dog, I am not sure they know they are mules. We have two more, you can see them later. Annabell is a very special mule. She was actually born to one of our horses, but was already given to a friend of mines daughter. Brittany babied Goldie (the momma horse) every day, anxiously awaiting the birth of her baby. Brittany died in a car wreck, and Annabell was born the same morning that we laid Brittany to rest. Our sorrow in the loss of our loved one was eased by witnessing one of God's miracles. We arrived at the barn to check on Goldie just as Annabell was making her first tentative steps on those long skinny legs. We cried and we laughed. It was very appropriate for God to give us Annabell to ease our grief and remind us of the gift of life.She is a very special mule indeed...and she knows it!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

First Day of School 2008-2009

One of our family traditions is taking pictures on the first day of each school year. Isn't Jacob so sweet, holding up three fingers to indicate that he is starting 3rd grade. He is so excited about going back to school and seeing all his friends. He is very much anticipating the science projects they "get to do this year!", and this year they "get to write in cursive!" and "real math", and they also get to do school sponsored team sports this year- basketball and baseball. The second pic is my son Jeremy(on the left) and his friend Patrick. They are starting the BIG SENIOR year. Gone is the excitement of learning new more pride in the new backpack, "look I am in ___ grade"... replaced with "I can't take a picture without my truck, my friend, and my Redbull in it...can you hurry mom". But SENIORS are excited about one thing... ##days til graduation!!!
Last year I took a picture of my daughter's First day of not having to go to school. I didn't realize that a year later she would still be trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. be young again...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

First Blog Entry ~ WHOO-HOO!!!

I am ready to begin my blogging journey. These pics are of my DARLING three kids who will probably be the most common topic on my blogspot. So... may I introduce my oldest Heather, and my youngest Jacob, and the sinlge shot is my middle child Jeremy. My kids are my REASON for being. I have really enjoyed them and can't imagine a life without them. The saying is true..."your children will bring you the greatest joy and the most heartbreak". As my older two became teenagers, I developed an increasing urge to treat my own mother with increased reverence, which she kindly accepted..and not always without an "I told you so!" However hectic our lives have been with all of its ups and downs, I would't trade a day.
On a side note, Crystal you have inspired me to keep my life a little better documented. When you share stories about your family, I find myself thinking of my own family stories. And I can't always remember the details. There are things that I thought I would always remember clearly, but now seem a little fuzzy. Blogging and scrapbooking and things like that are truly windows into our past... not just photo memories, but our thoughts and prespectives. I don't want my kids, or future grandchildren to have to rely on my memory, so I am following your lead and will make an effort at preserving some of my family history,at least while it is happening (you is tomorrow's yesterday...). Thank you Crystal! More later...