Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Jake and his friend Tony

Look out ER... here we come!

Meet Buster

Are you scared?
He may be possessed by demons!!!

Naw...he is a sweetheart...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Runestone Play

Simple Fun...who'd a thunk it?

Yes Nanny...they are on the edge of a cliff!!!

One weekend Jacob came whining to me that he was ...yes its true...BORED!!!! I felt kinda guilty because I had been working I offered all the "COOL" activities: movies, shopping, even ChuckEE Cheese. I didn't really have the funds for all this...but, you know how "mom guilt" works.
Well...he shot all those ideas down. He asked if we could take the puppy up on Runestone and walk the trails.
Man...have I been doing this all wrong! We had a great day. All it cost me was 3 sodas out of a vending machine.
It made me realize that maybe its me that is spoiled to "perfect" fun days...not my children. LESSON LEARNED!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Oh ya... I'm gonna be a grandma...!

I turn 40 on January 9, 2010 and I am expexting my first grandchild on January 15,2010...!!!!!!
Kaitlin is gonna be a great momma... and Jeremy...well...I know he will make a pretty baby,lol! That's for sure, cuz he was one of the most beautiful babies to ever be born...
Do I sound like a mom?
Well, get ready..cuz your fixin' to have to hear all about the most beautiful grandbaby EVER!

My New LapDog

Here he is... Casper... My New LapDog !!!
It's really all about the size of the lap... right? He is supposed to be half bull mastiff and half american bulldog. Jacob was wanting a chihuahua... but this is what he found first... close...right?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Deer Trophey Update

Was it worth $300?
Of course !!!

Welcome Isabella !!!

The Princesses !!!
My gift to me !!!

Jakie luvs his girl !!!

Sooooo CUTE !!!


Princess Isabella Braun May a.k.a "Bella"
was born September 27, 2008.
She came to live with our family on December 6, 2008.
She is the sweetest, smartest, most wonderful (puppy) Princess in the whole world!!!
We all love her very much. She has NUMEROUS "aunts and uncles" and one very special Godmother Misty- who helped us find each other!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Confessions of a Blogslacker

My fellow bloggers... I have a confession to make...

My "W" button sticks so it doesn't always show up....

What... were you expecting something juicier?

Actually... I haven't been able to blog due to computer issues. As some may remember I was having some TROUBLE with my computers "stubborn-mind of its own.

Well...problem SOLVED!!! Some IDIOT stole my disfunctional computer...I am using my daughter's laptop, so for now, I have no pics to post... but I hope to be totally up and running soon!

I really have missed our blog family!!!