Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Weird Things...

Monday, November 17, 2008
Deer Season...again

"Dad won't give me the money...cuz look... his rack fits
inside of my rack!" says confident son.
"Okay my sweet son, but promise me you won't kill
anything 'worthy of THE WALL' this year" says
wrapped around finger mom.
"Sure MOM...I promise...I LOVE YOU!"
"And consider this your BIG Christmas gift!"
"Sure MOM(unless I find something else I
want/need)...I LOVE YOU!"
"I mean it !" Mom is being stern now.
"I hope his future wife will not mind deer heads on her
walls..." Mom thinks to herself as she is writing out
check for sweet son to 'get gas' so he can go pick up
deer head.
"Thanks MOM...I LOVE YOU!"
Mom suddenly realizes there probably won't be a
'future wife' for sweet son, as she hands him all her
$$$. Why would he give up the generous care of his
beloved MOM.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What's for Dinner?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A Matter of Heart
Recently, my family got to meet a very special couple.
Bill was the recipient of my nephew Zachary's Heart.
He was only 15 years old.
We were comforted by an entire community's outpouring of love and support.
The hospital halls and waiting rooms were jam-packed with family, friends, schoolmates, teachers, coaches, and parents.
As soon as we were told the prognosis, my sister asked the most unselfish question.
"Can he be an organ donor?"
My family is full of nurses, so we are medically minded.
Also recently one of our sons' friends had had a grandmother who died while on theliver transplant waiting list.
The process had been discussed, with Zach asking alot of questions ~ he has always beencurious and inquisitive.He had told his mom that when he got his driving permit, he wanted to sign to be an organ donor. He had studied it, and decided it was definately a good thing to do.

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Girls Night Out

Just Hangin' Out

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Oh me...Oh my...
I am having some trouble getting my new pictures to load, so please bear with me... I really, really need to get a new computer, so for tonight I'll just ask one question....
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Fall Pics
Jake "Conqueror of the Universe!"
My Sweet 3, aren't they adorable !?!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My Best Friend
Go Big Wolves
Sunday, September 7, 2008
R U Ready for some football
Friends~CoWorkers~Family: One in the Same
We have such a great team at the clinic where I work. We share joys, sadness, triumphs and troubles of all kinds. We offer each other advice, praise, criticism, encouragement, guidence, help (whether you ask for it or not). It really is like having a whole bunch of sisters. (yes we fight sometimes)
They make me LAUGH.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
In Memory...
These are picture from her birthday party year before last, she did not make it to her 83rd birthday this year. We all expected this sweet woman to pass quietly in her sleep. Instead she died a tragic death, in a car accident. Lilly never had a drivers license~ she just never had a desire to drive, it seems ironic that she would die as such in a car wreck, even as a passenger. Luckily (THANK YOU GOD) her grand-daughter and daughter-in-law who were with her will recover from their injuries.
We can't help but ask WHY?
Well I have my opinion, and since this is my blog, I will share them...I feel better knowing that she didn't die alone, she was with people she loved, who loved her, they had a GREAT last day, doing the things she loved doing, she died LIVING her life, to me that is so much more comforting than finding her some morning, not knowing for sure what her last moments were like. I know everyone doen't agree with my perspective, but they don't have to. And maybe I CAN have that perspective because I am a nurse. Also, if she had died in her sleep, it wouldn't have been such a WAKE-UP call. Granny's most insistant prayers and conversations were related to her desire to see ALL of her family saved and living for the Lord. Her unexpected time and manner of death underscored the fact that we all need to be ready...
Granny, I will miss you, I wish my children would have had more time with you, but I know they will all have very special memories of you. Thank you for everything you have taught me, actually shown to me and through the example of your life. I Love You...
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