I am ready to begin my blogging journey. These pics are of my DARLING three kids who will probably be the most common topic on my blogspot. So... may I introduce my oldest Heather, and my youngest Jacob, and the sinlge shot is my middle child Jeremy. My kids are my REASON for being. I have really enjoyed them and can't imagine a life without them. The saying is true..."your children will bring you the greatest joy and the most heartbreak". As my older two became teenagers, I developed an increasing urge to treat my own mother with increased reverence, which she kindly accepted..and not always without an "I told you so!" However hectic our lives have been with all of its ups and downs, I would't trade a day.
On a side note, Crystal you have inspired me to keep my life a little better documented. When you share stories about your family, I find myself thinking of my own family stories. And I can't always remember the details. There are things that I thought I would always remember clearly, but now seem a little fuzzy. Blogging and scrapbooking and things like that are truly windows into our past... not just photo memories, but our thoughts and prespectives. I don't want my kids, or future grandchildren to have to rely on my memory, so I am following your lead and will make an effort at preserving some of my family history,at least while it is happening (you know...today is tomorrow's yesterday...). Thank you Crystal! More later...