November 6, 2005
Heather at an overlook.

Jeremy and Jacob ~ climbing the tower !
Jake "Conqueror of the Universe!"
My Sweet 3, aren't they adorable !?!
These pictures are the ones I label as "before". I guess I am a
Marker of Time really isn't intentional...and I know that I drive some people nuts doing it, but...I can't help it... it is just how I am...anyways these pictures were taken the weekend
before Zach died. I consider this to be a time of innocence, before my family had been through the horror of losing someone close to you. These pictures were taken on the last outing our little family had. We had a great day. It was peaceful and everyone seemed to enjoy one another's company, which was no small feat for us. The next few days would bring tragedy to our lives, nothing would ever be the same. It changed us all. We have had good times and bad since then, but it all seems
marked. I cherish the memories of that last family outing. Ironically, the fact that we could take for granted our time together is one of the things I miss, we are all now bitterly aware that tomorrow is not a promise but rather a gift.