Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Weird Things...

One time my husband and I were having breakfast at a local diner. It was my birthday...yippee. I noticed that three older women at the next table just kept staring at me. They stared the whole time we were eating. It was starting to make me uncomfortable. Finally, when Cody got up to pay the bill and go to the little boys room, one of the ladies got up and came over to me. She was near tears. She introduced herself, and her two sisters then explained to me why they were staring at me. This is where it gets REALLY weird. The story was that I apparently looked exactly (according to them) like their sister did 30 years ago...the last time they saw her. She was leaving a New Years Eve Party...January 1st 1970. She hasn't been seen or heard from since. Did I mention this weird meeting happened on my birthday, my 30th birthday, I was born on January 9, 1970. Oh...and Gladys...that was my twin's name... she was 29 when she disappeared, but we do not share the same birthdate, WHEW! that would have been WAY too much. It was such an emotional thing for all of them...and I was just totally freaked out. Now I wish I had asked them more questions. I don't know Gladys's last name, or where she was from, or if she had children. One of the sisters told me that they had never given up looking for her. The oldest looking one said it may sound stupid, but now she feels like she found her...(ME!)...although Gladys would have been 59, and surely her looks had changed, the fact that I looked just as they remembered her made them feel happy...like having some "closure". That was one weird "reunion". I have not seen the sisters since that day and have the feeling they were just passing through...I wish we could have stayed in touch...I would like to know more.

On the news tonight they are talking about the Hollaway girl who disappeared in Aruba in 2005 on her SR Class Trip. That's what made me think of Gladys and her sisters.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dear Season...again

Okay... so Heather doesn't hunt... but ain't she pretty?

This is from one of her MANY high school dances, my beautiful daughter !

Dear Season...again

Baby Bear and Daddy Bear
There's one for THE WALL !

Jacob LOVES hunting and camping, he is hard to keep up with because he REALLY gets into it. He is hoping for his first kill this year !!! Gotta beat Brother Bear !!!!

Deer Season...again

Last year's Big Kill
This is finally one for THE WALL !

Do you think he is proud ?

"Can I borrow $300.00 ?
The taxidermist called...and wouldn't you know it...It's
finally ready !"

"Dad won't give me the money...cuz look... his rack fits

inside of my rack!" says confident son.

"Okay my sweet son, but promise me you won't kill

anything 'worthy of THE WALL' this year" says

wrapped around finger mom.

"Sure MOM...I promise...I LOVE YOU!"

"And consider this your BIG Christmas gift!"

"Sure MOM(unless I find something else I

want/need)...I LOVE YOU!"

"I mean it !" Mom is being stern now.


"I hope his future wife will not mind deer heads on her

walls..." Mom thinks to herself as she is writing out

check for sweet son to 'get gas' so he can go pick up

deer head.

"Thanks MOM...I LOVE YOU!"

Mom suddenly realizes there probably won't be a

'future wife' for sweet son, as she hands him all her

$$$. Why would he give up the generous care of his

beloved MOM.